Objav a prieskum historickej studne / Exploration historical well

V roku 2006 bola pri rekonštrukcii námestia v Bratislave objavená neznáma historická studňa o ktorej nebola v archívoch zmienka. Potápačský prieskum bol zameraný na stav a obsah v zatopenej časti tejto studne. Po prieskume pre Mestský ústav ochrany pamiatok bola studňa uzatvorená a stala sa architektonickou súčasťou novej podoby námestia.

The discovery and exploration of historical well.
In year 2006 during reconstruction of the square in Bratislava was discovered historical well, which was not mentioned in the archives. The diving survey focused on the status and content of the flooded parts of the well. After researching for Urban Conservation Institute of Bratislava the well was closed and became part of the new architectural part of a the square.

Peter Kubička